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Currently we draw upon grants and donations to fund Berkeley Wildlife staff, which are critically important to unleash our faculty and students to focus on their research and project-specific partnerships, support field operations, and facilitate partnership maintenance and development.
Additionally, the Berkeley Wildlife Fund supports certain core activities of the group, including small grants toward the training of future wildlife professionals and a weekly seminar series. The Wildlife & Conservation Seminar Series has been a regular seminar series on the Berkeley campus since the 1970s, and is at the heart of our community. The seminar brings together faculty, students, staff, alumni and members of the public who share an interest in wildlife and biodiversity. We use the series as an opportunity to learn about ongoing challenges to monitoring and managing wildlife and wildlife habitat in California and beyond, and for our students to practice communicating their science.

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As a collective we are actively fundraising to support the Berkeley Wildlife, the Berkeley Wildlife Fund, and our seminar series. New small gifts would go towards diversifying our lineup of speakers and holding 1-2 community-building events each year in which we invite a high-profile speaker to campus and arrange a series of small group discussions and social events linked to the visit. In the future we also aim to establish new fellowships and scholarships to support graduate and undergraduate training.
For questions about supporting the Berkeley Wildlife Group, contact Sean McMahon at seanmc@berkeley.edu or you can donate using the link below.